Economy – Tips on How to Better your Fuel Economy

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Economy – Tips on How to Better your Fuel Economy

To drive a car requires you to break your bank in some cases due to the ever increasing cost of petrol and diesel. Rising fuel prices makes one think twice in using any kind vehicle. It is not always an option to keep on upgrading your car.
Some tips that can help you lessen the consumption of fuel making your vehicle more fuel economic:
• Reducing the weight of your car: when you reduce the clutter in your car you automatically make it lighter. A light car consumes less fuel as compared to a heavy car. Decrease unnecessary item from your car.
• Switching off heating and air conditioning: the air conditioner and heater present in your car uses a lot of fuel to work. By limiting the use of the cooler and heater you can increase fuel efficiency. Fresh air is good for our health. Use the windows instead to regulate the temperature in your car. Another option is to dress according to the weather. Wearing weather appropriate clothes can also help in reducing the usage of the air conditioner and heater.
• Turning off the engine: leaving the engine idling while waiting in the traffic or while waiting for someone is not a good idea. When the engine is running it keeps on consuming petrol or diesel. It makes more sense to switch off the car when waiting for the light to change.
• Limiting the use of the car: try to be less dependent on your vehicle. It is always a good idea to look for different options and modes of transport. Walking and cycling can help in your health as both are excellent forms of exercise. Using public transport or car pooling is a good way to reduce your carbon footprint.
By following the tips given above you can become a better and more responsible driver. Helping your fuel economy to stay in line is a very important aspect of being in budget.